The first ‘Me-time’ tracking app which not only gives you access to innovative, high quality activities but also helps you prioritise #SelfCareFirst. With Think Metime, browse thousands of fun activities and schedule them at your leisure.
Think Metime app also tracks your ‘Me-time’ as you work towards completing your goal.
Use the built in schedules to add Me-time to your to-do lists in Google Calendar.
Browse through our library of innovative, high quality, fun activities and never feel bored.
Set your me-time goals and track the actual activities completed in the tracker.
Personalised habit tracker assisting in your wellness journey. Few more resources on how to make time, habit formation and goal setting.
Available - Google Play Store Apple - Coming Soon
Enter Email ID and Phone number and click "Get Started".
Enter your details such as Name, DOB...etc.
Choose your favorite Me-time activities from the list.
You are ready to use Me-Time.
Me-time made quick, easy and fun.
Never feel bored again!!!
Replace mindless internet browsing with high quality me-time. Track your habits and goals and make wellness your lifestyle
Conquer the world with self-care and Think Metime mobile app
See for yourself what our users gained from this app
One fine day I came across with this fantastic app which actually became my saviour.wohoooo!!
Lots of Fun activities which enabled me to get me past the day and also learned a lot of recipes.
Think Me-time is a wellness mobile app that ensures your daily dose of me-time and some self-care.
© 2021 Think Me-Time | Developed By DigitalDadi